Three are pretty close by, in western Massachusetts, about 100 miles from home.
MassMoCA had a new retrospective of Sol Lewitt.

Also did a quick stop in Williamstown at the Williams College Museum of Art. They were part of building the retrospective of Lewitt, by partnering with Yale to draw and paint the works. When you purchase or borrow Lewitt works, you receive instructions on how to paint them, so about 100 students worked for several months creating the works in a space larger than MOMA in NYC! If the work is exhibited elsewhere, it generally must be taken down or covered up while you display it.
WCMA also has several displays going now, including Tina Barney's portraits of the privileged classes.

After an Indian meal on Spring Street, my old stomping ground, we quickly toured the Clark Art Institute, a wonderful place also in rural Williamstown where Sterling and Francine Clark moved their collection to protect it from atomic attack.
They have mostly old masters, much like a European museum.