Friday, August 25, 2006

pardon the lag...

...but I've not had time to post.

We have a contract on our current house! Hooray! Closing is now Oct 13 2006 so our new house has to be ready before that. Dave the Builder is running as much as he can concurrently. It looks like a scene from The Money Pit, with contractors running about like The Crusades or something.

We've picked furniture, tiles, carpet, doors, handles, lights, fans, paint, walkways, insulation (placement), cabinets, pulls, countertops, mantel, hearth, and drains. And that was just this week. Siding comes next week and painting should be finished then too. Photos to come when the siding is done.

This weekend is the big bike swap meet. Daren couldn't come from England due to flying standby being a trip to purgatory, so we will soldier on without him. No bike ride the night before so photos will be minimal.

Katie attended freshman orientation at EHS. I'm sure she will like the place once she gets used to it.

I am planning to post my latest story on a website if they agree. I've had mixed reactions to it so I want to see how the webmasters like it. I like the updates to the Writer's Digest website and have done some exercises from their magazine.

Tax waivers arrived for the estate from NJ, so I have started converting assets into Katie and my name. That's a full-time job in itself for a few weeks.

We gave the attorneys in Florida 90 days to come up with an accounting of the Crouse wills and trusts. I hope this gets things out in the open and leads to a resolution soon.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Katie at the beach

Here's Katie in the old classic caddy at the beach house.

Northampton bike ride tonight - pics to come.