Friday, December 30, 2005

Why? ...and flags

Why are Japanese schoolgirls such arbiters of coolness, at least with technology? I guess for a reason similar to why CIO's get tech pointers from their kids (and airline magazines, of course).

For those of you bored around the holidays, you might enjoy this great flag judging site:

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Holiday posting

No time to write much today. The usual busy-ness during the holiday.

I love this drawing of the tree of life from Darwin's diaries:

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Mid December...

And we are frantic. Christmas is coming, as well as estate tax filings on the 28th. Whew!

Got our tree today from the usual place. God bless our family, we chose the first one we saw, and the nice man dropped it into the truck bed for us.

Been jotting down notes on things to blog about, so will update with more shortly.